If we're going to create peace, we need to invest in community image

If we're going to create peace, we need to invest in community

$41,126 raised

$30,000 goal

/ 150


The OPC started with a handful of Oakland nonprofits saying, "In a world that pits us against each other, we want to show up for each other."

These days we're taking that same philosophy into our neighborhood, and our neighbors are responding. Our community garden is expanding, the food program is growing, and we're providing programs that give our neighbors the tools to create peace and equity on their block, in our corner of Oakland, and across the city. Meanwhile, the nonprofits in-house and at-large are resourcing each other and serving thousands of people every month thanks to the affordable space and the network of support that is the Oakland Peace Center.

All of this requires physical space, skilled facilitation, and resources. When you invest in the OPC, you're investing in community, collaboration and cross-pollination. Thanks for helping us show up for each other and create a new path towards peace and justice.